The Beginning of a Journey.
Welcome to the world of Motherhood. A fascinating journey of creating a human and gradually growing with it.
Infancy, sitting, crawling, standing, walking, toddlerhood, weaning. The list is infinite. Just like the extent of the parents' joy!
One vital process that will be highlighted in this blog is Weaning. It is a process of switching an infant from a milk-only diet to a mixed one that includes other solid food.
Some breastfeeding journeys last two weeks while some last for 2 years. Up until 6 months of age, breast milk or formula milk alone can provide adequate nutrition to infants. Thereafter, it is important to start introducing weaning foods after 6 months old to meet the changing nutritional needs of the growing infant, particularly of iron.
Weaning does not end the intimate bond between a mother and child. Be sure to spend quality time and indulge in plenty of cuddles and hugs. Love can overcome all obstacles. It is the best bond that exists.
WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for up to 6 months and continued breastfeeding with support/ complementary food sources for up to two years. There is no specific time, style or place to wean your baby. Nevertheless, the best cue to determine readiness of weaning should come from the baby. These following are some signs of developmental readiness that you should look out for:
Able to hold head up and maintain a steady upright position, which is important for spoon-feeding
Sit well in an upright position
Makes chewing motion and is able to move food from front to back of mouth to swallow
Disappearance of the tongue’s thrust
Can pick up objects and bring them to his mouth
Interest in food, perhaps eyeing your food or reaching out for it
Cries for feeds before the usual time, which is a sign of hunger
BLW (Baby-led Weaning):
BLW is a developmental approach to self-feeding.
Explore, experiment and experience. Do not expect the child to like and eat well on the first go.
This approach allows the child to eat on their own. They use natural gag reflexes and realize they may choke and are less likely to push food right in the mouth.
Take signals and cues from your child. Their bodies guide them on how much to eat or when they are full.
Start with soft first foods. Ripe fruits, cooked egg yolks, flaky fish, moist and shredded meats, puffed cereals, and cooked pasta and vegetables are all good options.
Prepare those foods for easy grasping. Substantial-size pieces—cut in long, thin strips, coin-shaped, or with a crinkle cutter—are easiest for your baby to manage.
Carry on giving your baby breast milk or formula milk in between mealtimes. As your baby gradually eats more solids, the number of milk feeds will start to decrease.
Natures Wisdom has an array of finger foods for babies baby such as:
Happy Family Happy Baby Gentle Teethers
Happy Family Happy Baby Gentle Teethers made with jasmine rice flour and a touch of organic fruits and veggies, no known allergens and non-GMO. Teething wafers dissolve easily and gentle on baby’s gum, making them a perfect first snack for baby’s developing gums.
Nosh Baby Munchables is made with premium non-GMO japonica rice with no artificial colours or flavorings. Gentle on gums, quick-dissolving and these are the perfect 1st snacks for baby.
Traditional (Parent-led Weaning)
Traditional weaning is parent guided.
Following the comfort of the child, the parent influences the intake of other foods.
The process starts with purees and mashed foods, gradually leading up to grainy and wholesome meals. This progression is crucial for development.
The child is introduced to pieces of food once their pincer grip comes into action.
The parent guides the child to pick little pieces and consume them. At the same time, enforcing the habit of self-feeding.
Natures Wisdom has a selection of products that can enhance the child’s nutritional experience like iron-fortified baby cereal and grain porridge.
Dos & Don’ts
Do |
Don’t |
Alter Schedules Change places instead of your regular nursing spot. Delay or postpone feeding sessions. Gradually make your baby less interested in breastfeeding by delaying or skipping feeds. |
Force Feed Avoid force-feeding your child during the transition. If they push away food, they might be full or dislike what you are giving. Keep a lookout for allergies. |
Increase Bonding After a point, most children nurse for comfort along with nutrition. During the weaning process, make sure to spend lots of time with your child. |
Discourage a comforting habit If your child develops a finger sucking habit or holds onto a blanket everywhere; allow them. Weaning can be a confusing time for the baby. |
Say No Post 18 months, give yourself the freedom to tell your child no. It can be difficult emotionally, but as the child grows older, he/she gets forceful and has the tendency to get rough with the breasts. It can be difficult but it is absolutely ok to say NO! |
Go Cold Turkey! Abruptly cutting off from nursing can be challenging for your child. In addition to emotional discomfort for both baby and mother, it might lead to physical complications like plugged ducts and Mastitis for you. |
Store Breastmilk Life is uncertain, unwanted situations may arise, leading to an abrupt weaning process. Stock and freeze sufficient supply of breastmilk to ease the transition. |
Add Condiments When introducing new foods, do not add salt, pepper, sugar, and other seasonings. Let the child discover flavours and relish them. |
During the weaning process, your body starts adjusting. It produces less milk. Nonetheless, breasts may feel full, in which case you may express milk to relieve engorgement.
Baby Weaning Foods
Age |
Food |
0-6 Months |
Exclusively breastfed / formula milk. |
6-8 Months |
Mashed /pureed fruits (apple, avocado, banana) Vegetables (broccoli, beans, peas, potatoes, cabbage, carrot, spinach) soybean, rice. |
9 months + |
In addition to grainy and cubed fruits and vegetables, eggs, bread, chicken, fish, pasta. |
12 months + |
Whole foods / cooked home meals and dairy products. |
The goal is to get the child independent and self-feed. Importantly, introduce a variety of foods to your child, so they don’t turn into picky eaters! The weaning process is a memorable journey.
No matter how and when it happens, always remember to celebrate these accomplishments. For all other supplementary food resources, Natures Wisdom has you covered!
Babybio Organic Pureed Foods (6+ months)
Smooth pureed organic fruits to introduce your baby to authentic flavours from 6 months onwards. Recipes of babybio organic pureed foods are prepared according to paediatric recommendations from high quality organic ingredients and no unnecessary additives, often without added sugar, without added salt, without thickeners.
KinderNurture Organic Baby Noodles (7+ months)
Milled from whole wheat grains, KinderNurture organic baby noodles are made from unbleached organic wheat flour with no preservatives and no additives. Halal certified and suitable for vegetarian. It is a great source of protein, carbohydrates and vitamin B complex which are great fro your baby's overall development.
Happy Family Happy Baby Superfood Puffs (9+ months)
Dusted with fruits and vegetables powders, lightly sweetened with real fruit juice concentrate, and enriched with vitamins and minerals, no known allergens and non-GMO, Happy Family Happy Baby Superfood puffs melt in baby’s mouth and encourage self feeding.
Happy Family Happy Baby Organic Yogis (9+ months)
Happy Family Happy Baby Organic Yogis delight baby’s taste buds with a burst of fruit flavor. These freeze dried organic yogurt drops melt in baby’s mouth, encourages tactility and self-feeding. Contains probiotics that help to maintain baby’s digestive health!